Saturday, March 20, 2010

Los Ojos de Linda

So I met this girl, and for some reason her eyes really stuck out to me. I mean her eyes are always open wide, and they are very pretty. But I couldn't really pinpoint why her eyes have been so interesting to me. Then when I was running, it hit me.. They reminded me of one of the 5 scariest things I've ever woken up too. So here's the story "Los Ojos de Linda" please note that I asked girl for permission to write this, and include her and she told me to change her name.. ;) hahhaha

Blog taken from Myspace written on February 23, 2009..
"So last night. I got off the phone at around 1:00 AM. and I was trying to sleep for around 30 Minutes..Sometimes when I'm sleeping I pull the covers over my head a little bit.

At about 1:30 AM, I turn over to shift the side that I'm sleeping on, and my head comes out from under the covers so I open my eyes to look. I was previously sleeping facing the wall.

The second I opened my eyes I realized that something was wrong.

I seen somebody staring at me. Like a very dark skinned female. There's this Indian chick on the Soccer team who's really really dark and that's who it reminded me of. Like a pitch black female, my room was dark so all I could see were eyes and the outline of a body.

I think I yelled twice, like aaaAAAHHH!!!, and I moved to the corner of my bed. I kind of felt cornered, as this girl continued to stare at me for around 5 seconds. Then the person turned to the right, and started walking away from me. So all I could see was the black outline of a body. I yelled "Who the Fuck are you!?!?" probably twice. As she walked away she came to my curtains and walked right through them. That part didn't seem real to me..

So after that I ran out of my room and went upstairs. I just sat on the couch for a couple of minutes told my roommate what happened when he came in and probably freaked him out. I was too creeped out to go downstairs and get my cellphone until this morning..

I was tripping out, until I finally passed out on my couch. The person walking through my curtains isn't what scared me, what scared me was waking up and seeing something staring at me.. Like right next to my bed just watching me.. Her eyes were open wide, but I couldn't read them. Sort of seemed emotionless, maybe evil, maybe not.

When I woke up and kinda yelled/screamed ish twice.. it didn't faze her. She just turned around and calmly walked away, like very calmly. and she walked right through the curtains.

Haha that image of opening my eyes and seeing someone staring at me is probably going to freak me out for a while haha. It's funny that, probably the second scariest thing that I ever remember seeing happens to me and all I can do is laugh about it. I wish I could hear myself scream from last night.. hahaha I'mma probably be sleeping with my lights on for a while now. Unless I get some wifey.. hahah. just playing that never happens



Continuing with that story, I still sleep in that room with the lights on, unless somebody's staying over, which still never happens ;) haha.. But real talk I woke up and seen somebody standing at the edge of my bed right over me, looking down on me. That is still and always will be scary to me. As for *Linda, her eyes have a glow/spark to them like a lot of life in her eyes and they are far from emotionless. :) But los ojos de *Linda still reminds me of what I seen that night. Have any of ya'll seen los ojos de *Linda??

I've heard similar stories, where people froze up when things like that have happened. I'm so thankful that I didn't freeze up because who knows what would have happened then :(

and the girls first name flows a whole lot better with the story than Linda does, but oh well.. No need to make anybody famous unless they wanna be haha
