Monday, July 16, 2012

My Mega Man approach to Running.

On my run yesterday I was thinking about some of my friends on the team at EWU. I was thinking about how Curtis Suver and Patrick Chessar would always tell me "Enjoy it, you're not going to win, gotta get pumpmed about the PR's" That used to annoy me, because I was rarely happy with how I was running.

I'd set goal times that were out of my reach and get mad everytime I didn't get them. The last two years that I ran for EWU I pretty much PR'd every single time I raced. Pretty soon my times weren't that bad anymore. I think what Suver and Chessar were trying to say is I gotta enjoy all of the little victories.

When you play Mega Man you pretty much get your ass kicked repeatedly. Every single level can seem impossible when you start playing. But then you take your time and eventually get better at each little section. By the time you're ready to face Dr. Whily you make all of the levels look easy. You don't get frustrated because you're getting yor ass kicked, you take all of the little victories and build off of them.

I went through injury after injury last year, and never got my mileage up. Working sitting down for 40 hours a week also contributed to my weight gain. This summer I'm taking my time and building my mileage slowly. I'll race occasionally and get my ass kicked, but I'm slowly getting faster. I probably ran around 50 miles last week, and even though I'm not seeing the results on the scale I would like to, I'm happy with the little victories. I mean look at where I was last year. I know if I can get my mileage up a little bit more, and add some speed wokouts, I'll eventually get to where I wanna be.

So yeah I might suck it up for a while, get my ass kicked, but each time I'm moving forward towards the goal. Even though I'm getting dominated by Bubble Man eventually I'll be beasting Quick Man and Metal Man, and maybe next year I'll be ready for Dr. Whily. Just taking it one day/one obstacle at a time, enjoying the little victories

Cheers, Dru-P