What I've come to realize is I thrive off of negativity. When I first went to EWU we had an asshole coach, everyday in practice he'd have something crazy to say to me.
He would say "You're not in high school anymore."
"Welcome to D-1"
If I wasn't doing good in a work out "Dru go run with the girls!!"
Then when I did good instead of praising me I'd hear him ball everybody else out for losing to me.
I loved that shit, everyday I just wanted to prove to him and myself that I could run and do well at that level. I put in work, then at the end of the year he said "Dru lose 10 pounds or your off the team"..
That's when I left the team for a while, I think that right there might of messed my head up.
When I came back to Alaska recently from Washington, everybody was like "Dam Dru, you got fat", "What you ain't running anymore?", "Looking pretty healthy Dru." and so on.. It's alright if the cousins clown me or people I'm close to, but when people I don't know come up and start saying that ish it started to piss me off. I used it as motivation, and laughed it off for a month.
Worked hard and lost 15 to 20 pounds in a month, and then people were still clowning. That's when it got crazy for me because I been putting in work and ya'll are still teasing me? I wanted to respond "Dam you got ugly" when somebody said "Dam you got fat" haha.. It almost made me want to be a hater myself.. Even the cousins got tired of hearing me get clowned on, like aiight jokes over..
But at the same time I love that, I use it.. It makes me want to work hard everyday, push myself. I don't know what kind of shape I'm in right now, but I know I've been working hard. I can look in the mirror with no shirt on and be like 50% happy right now haha. halfway superman..
It all comes back around, people are starting to show me love right now. And that has me missing the negativity almost. I assume my competition is better then me, in better shape, working harder. Out of every race there is only 1 winner, winning isn't normal, so why should I try to be normal.
Teachers would make fun of my work, they would roast me. Because they said I could take it, and if they used others as an example they would probably break down. Negativity is a gift and a curse. Nothings ever good enough, all you can do is try to find perfection in the imperfections. But that never works for me, I thrive in the storm. Bring me drama, make me feel worthless, and I'll love you forever.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Thoughts on Nuchalawoyya
Nuchalawoyya thoughts- track by track
This is an athabascan prayer said by Helen Peters. I originally wanted the Nuchalawoyya song to be sang, but I had issues getting people together, and I thought the prayer had more impact. When she first said the prayer something went wrong with the computer and it kind of made her voice go in slow motion, sounded scary. Glad I got it fixed hahah.
Back Again-
At this time the chorus still needs to be redone for this song, I'm debating on what I'm trying to do for the chorus. In Back Again I say "After the storm we tried to see the sunlight, who would of knew Mary Edwin's son was so bright, but too much sunshine ain't always pleasant, without the rain you're just left with a desert." There's a lot in those 4 lines, basically referencing our first 2 albums, "After the Storm", "See the Sunlight", saying that I'm shining now, but I can't always shine, can't always be all good. Just gotta push through.
Do it For You-
I originally didn't want to rap on this song I just wanted to do the chorus, but I liked what I did say. I addressed the trial with Billy Royal Moreland, where we lost very publicly in court. Talked about how that made me psycho and how I kind of held everything in.
Come with Us-
I think this will be a lot of people's favorite song off of Nuchalawoyya. It just has a feel good classic type of vibe to it. I had this beat laying around, we were listening to some of our old freestyles one day and were like dam that beat goes hard, so we put it on and went to work. We recorded this at the Mission. Clay killed it on this song, one of the funnest songs I remember recording haha..
They Got Him Skit-
When we were doing "Seen the Teeth" we were kind of partying at the mission, and somebody nocked on the door crying, saying "Booger's Dead".. This was on Christmas, and you know we lost VK the year before on Christmas. We just said "That ain't real!!", "Booger ain't dead".. and closed the door and kept on recording. Come to find out he really did get stabbed and almost passed away that night, hahaha.. Poor Boog
Seen The Teeth-
As I already said we were kind of partying when this song was made, I like this song though, to the people who look at what I say in this song and judge me for it. Just know that in between albums I spent days so broke I was like "How am I going to eat??", When you get that hungry, and you see somebody eating, it's animal nature to rob them. I spent times where I was so heartbroke seeing everybody else in a relationship, where all the good girls are taken. So Why not rob somebody of their girlfriend?? You can judge me all day but I never claimed to be perfect haha..
Keep On Keeping On-
Vaughn did a song way back in the day where he said "and I'mma keep on keeping on over and over". That was kind of the theme behind this song. Also, people in Alaska forget that we live in Paradise. Like alright I'm having a bad day, but still it's a good day, just look outside.
This song starts off with a cop leaving me a voicemail, at the time I had a warrant out for my arrest, for a robbery that happened in Alaska when I was in Washington. The cop sounded like a creep saying "Dru-P" so I had to put it on the album. We talk about things we were going through, like you can throw all that at me and I'm still going to shine.
One of These Mornings-
My favorite sample on the album the beat just sounds clean. "One of these mornings, it won't be very long, they will look for me, and I'llllll be gonnnne"... We're talking about just getting the F**k up outta here, throwing a smoke bomb and arriving somewhere else.. Like Peace Cuz
Got What it Takes-
Haha Clay wrote this chorus when I was in California competing at Big Sky Conference championships for track. "I got my 1:30 ho's, 2:30 ho's, my 3:30's love to get down" That pretty much explains it, message me and I'll explain more hahaha..
Ak's Finest-
I was kind of in the storm when we did this song. Clay flew out to Washington to work on the album, and we kind of partied for 4 days.. I thought my track season was over and then coach calls me and said I qualified for Conference. I felt bad, I still feel like we both did good on this song. I didn't know what to say so I just wrote the most ridiculous ish I could think of.
Oh yeah and at Conference after 4 days of partying, I raced in 105+ degree weather and PR'd, did way better then I was supposed to. Basically just represented.
The theme of this song was kind of like "Bitch Girl" where I just wanted to clown. I said we'd trade off every 8 bars, and we did that throughout the whole song. We started out clowning then each of our verses got better and better throughout the song. I really like the chorus, it's like it'll lift you up. Clay killed it on this song.
Another Day Another Dollar-
Squidward "Another Day another Nickel" haha.. This song was tight I love the beat, something ya'll can native dance to haha. I wrote my verse off of the Ga'leeya song. So I take pieces of that song and throw it into my rap. "Oh heya hey heeya- heyda heytz he's dumb"..
I say some ish on this song but I don't know if ya'll will understand it haha.
This is kind of like American Holocaust. I talk about what happened with natives, and what's going on today. Clay's mad that he never got to kill this beat, but in concerts he's going to perform something on this too.
Doz skit-
This was originally supposed to be a skit where I'd let Dozer do something. Let him do a freestyle or whatever he wanted. Because he been going on stage with us for years and he hasn't been on a single album yet. However, Ish happened during Nuchalawoyya and Doz had to go back to Fairbanks before I got home from the fireline, so it was replaced with a J Buck imitation skit haha..
Time Away-
This is a remix with Clay on it. You can youtube Dru-P Time Away to see the original.
Falling (R.I.P. VK)-
Had to dedicate a song to Vaughn, my verse talks about the days when he first passed, Clays verse is about getting back up from falling. Cuz there ain't no victims around here!
My Momma-
Had to show love to our momma's. Cuz we never really had no Dad's growing up.
Plus both Clay and I have had to listen to people talk bad about or mom's when we were young, you never really forget what people say. This song is showing or mom's some love. Love conquers all.
Sweet Dreams-
This is a bonus track, On my part I talk about dreaming I'm still with Paula. I was having dreams at the time of her, and it was kind of pissing me off haha, and then I go on to talk about how my dreams fuel me. It kind of has a native drum beat to it..
Nuchalawoyya song, and then a late elder explains that the song was made by 2 guys coming down on a raft. And how she'll never forget the song they sang, when she was just 12 years old.
What I think about Nuch as a whole
I say Nuchalawoyya is us, it's empowerment, coming together. I guess I just wanted my production to sound fresh throughout it all. It's kind of like a Clipse album, the first time you hear it you might have two or three songs that you like. Then on the second and third listen you like the other songs, and pretty soon you're going to be feeling it.
But just like the Clipse albums, not everybody is going to feel it. Nuchalawoyya doesn't have a "Better Days", it doesn't have a single that stands out, I think the whole album stands out. It's like "For the Fam" where we didn't worry about making the songs appeal to everyone, we just had fun making songs.
I know I got a big fanbase of 12 year olds who wanna hear me talk about girls, and do songs that read like a diary. Like awwe Poor Dru-P :( hahaha.. I'm worried that Nuch only has like 4 songs like that, but at the same time it's more focused then the songs that my myspace fanbase is used of hearing. Also another complaint I have is there aren't enough story songs. But it's all good as long as we can paint a picture
Nuchalawoyya is a collection of anthems that describe how we're living. The good, the bad, competition, girls, eha ha na ha, family, culture, everything. It's the most native album that has ever been made. It might cure cancer. Onee' Nuchalawoyya
I hope ya'll listen, we worked hard on this. Hi haters, sorry for the hiatus. But we're back now. Theme music, Feel Good Music, let's start the movement...
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