Wednesday, September 28, 2011


It's 2011..

I hear all of these people saying, you need to stay at your job. Don't quit, be happy you got a job with this economy.. The reality of my job is it keeps me where I'm at. I'm broke 3 days before every paycheck. I got motivated with my side projects this much which brought home an additional 2,000. I thought that was good, until I realized that with the additional income I made 4,000 this month.

If I did that every month I'd be making 48,000 a year.. That's on the low end of what I should already be making. I think I should be making 50-100K a year.

So when you hear me complaining about my job, it's because I'm underpaid, I feel like I'm living in jail. Just surviving, and more importantly not happy.

So Now I'm trynna focus on things that make me happy.

I tried running all summer, but sitting around for more then 40 hours a week at work had me lazy. I never got in shape from running like I usually do this summer. But now it's cold out so I'll play basketball. I'm having more fun playing ball, and I put more into it. I won't go out and run for 3 hours a day, but I'll be at the gym for as long as I want.

I feel motivated to do music, even though I haven't put out a song since I got my job. I just let work take everything away from me. But I've dealt with problems at work, let my boss know I will smite him if he doesn't show proper respect to the godfather haha.

This is more of an update then anything else.. Currently working on getting in shape, and having fun, want to get started on some new songs and shows sometime soon. Cause Like Cartman Said "Butters, life goes by fast, if you don't stop to enjoy it, and do whatever you want all the time.. You could miss it"

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fight or Flight

It's crazy that people see a chip in the armor and come at me from all angles. There's a saying, never back an enemy into a corner. Fight or flight.

I've been backed into several corners, and have let the animal out on occasion.
I know only I can beheld accountable for my actions. But it's easy to cast judgement when you're peering through a window.

So right now I'm going to address some of the things I've heard lately.

"You're just a spoiled bitch, having your mom paying for your shit"

Uhmm, ok. First off Teisha, I work over 40 hours a week. And on top of that I take on side projects and work to make enough money to live a lifestyle that you call spoiled. This whole momma's boy thing is crazy, something I've dealt with my whole life. I love my mom and have been fortunate to have a mother who cares enough about me to help me from time to time.

I haven't lived at home with my mom since I was 15. I'm a nerd in school, and that helped pay for a lot of my education. My mom didn't earn my computer science degree, my mom didn't get me running at a Division 1 level. I worked hard for everything I have. Hardwork, dedication, heart, and a good head on my shoulders.

Although I love my family and brothers, they couldn't do what I did.

I've been broke broke, wondering how I'm going to eat broke. I've stolen for food, I've had times where I had no place to stay. All in pursuit of my goals.

3 days before VK passed he told me "You always have a place to stay, you've done so much work that you should never have to worry about that."

You've seen my truck. What about that makes you think I'm spoiled? I rise to the occasion. And am thankfull that I have been able to rise and rise again, until lambs become lions ;) I'm not hear because I fell down, I'm here because I got up. That's dedication, dedication is my heart. I dare you to take it from me.

"You're a fake Gangster"

I never try to act hard, I've never pretended to be a ganster. When BRoyal passed away, his killers started making threats on my life. That's when I started hanging out with the cuzzo's a lot more. They're my best friends, and always have my back.

If people are saying they're going to kill me, you can't blame me for my actions.

Sometimes I can't go out without worrying about getting jumped, so that makes me act irrational. I'm a nerd, I'm far from a gangster. Swagger of a pimp, mind of a gent.

Every move I made I had my heart in it.

"You're going nowhere with music"

I haven't recorded a song in 9 months. I've been busy working, but I'm still getting paid off my albums. I have produced for several celeberities. My heads just not in music at this exact second.

I've never claimed to be the greatest, or untouchable, or anything. I do music for myself, as an outlet. So me going nowhere doesn't effect me right now. I'm Winning.

Hi haters, sorry for the hiatus.

I'm just warming up. I understand that I put myself up for scrutiny. If you do anything you have the risk of failing miserably. I do not apologize for any of my actions. You go all out or be gone. But if you come at me with a full head of steam, don't cry like a victim if you are publicly smited.

You're welcome,

Monday, May 9, 2011

Running in 2011

When I went to Eastern Washington I went from running 0 to 70 miles a week in one week. My mindstate at the time was get in shape or get injured.

When I got back on the team after getting cut, I was running 70 miles a week, but I forgot how to race. Last year I once again suffered from not racing. I trained for one race and since I didn't have any other races under my belt, when things went bad, I got caught up in robot mode.

A mode where it's like my legs and lungs can push harder, but I'm just not mentally there. I wasn't in as good of shape as some of the other runners, but I still think I should have done a lot better.

Now in 2011 after having an office job, I've recently realized that I'm way out of shape. Way way out of shape. I guess thinking about it, I set myself up to be so out of shape. I'd eat junk food, go to work, sit down all day, drink pop. Go home just to lay around and watch Movies with my girlfrann. And She's the type of girl who couldn't gain a pound if she tried.

I started running about a month ago, but I would just go for a little while, and do the same short run over and over again. If it wasn't nice out I wouldn't run, but that's a problem in Alaska. The weather changes all the time, if I want to wait for nice days, I could be waiting for 2 weeks... Sometimes. And I'd keep telling myself that next week I'll step up my training, next week I'mma start pushing myself. I'd Play in basketball tourneys and do pretty good, which made me falsely believe I was in shape.

That all led to me staying the same, my attempts to run just made me lazier. Last week I kind of looked in the mirror at myself, like damn you fat bastard. What the fuck!? So I've been trying to step my training up. My mindstate isn't get in shape or get injured anymore. It's more get in shape safely.

This means running everyday, even if I feel like crap, or it's horrible outside. Doing hard days and easy days. The hard days might be just running more then 3 miles right now, as opposed to the easy days being shorter runs. In the past a hard day was a speed work out while the easy day would be an easy 13 mile run.

I'm going to have to push myself, just to get back up to high mileage. Also I need to do more then just one race, this means I have to put myself in a position to lose. Fear of losing is a huge driving force for me, but if I want to compete and win later I have to be able to lose right now.

If I get in a race right now and get my ass kicked, it'll set my body up for the next race. In 2011 I'm taking everything 1 day at a time, I'm not saying I'm going to just go out there and dominate. But I'mma do more steps to prepare myself.

Scrub now to shine later. It's going to be a lot of work, but hopefully I'm up for it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

lets have a toast

So when I was out in Washington on the track team, a lot of people
on the team would straight up hate our other teammates.
Me and my boy E Walt never let any of our annoyances get to that point.
If somebody on the team annoyed us, we'd just say "Shut the Fuck Up" and get it out of our system.

Most of the team would just hold everything in. I think the term for that is called, being polite or something. There's a time for being polite and all, but there's also a time when you need to just say what's on your mind. You can't just let people walk over you. There's no need to let your annoyances grow. Just gotta say what's on your mind and get it out of your system sometimes.

That's where I'm at right now. I've been being polite to my boss. Too polite.
So I'm getting mad everytime he insults me. Hell I'm at a point where his voice pisses me off. I can't do that. I gotta bring back the asshole. If he smells like piss, I need to tell him to back the fuck up, or take a shower. If he's trying to take over my projects, just gotta verbally backhand him.

I'm a minority, which means I grew up getting made fun of. But more importantly I grew up making fun of people. It's all love. I can't just hold everything in. Gotta bring back the clown, rebirth of the asshole. Otherwise I'll go crazy. Cheers.. Let's have a toast to the douche bags, let's have a toast for the assholes. Let's have a toast for the scum bags, every one of them that I know.

Being an asshole won't make me magically like my boss, or anything. But it's going to keep me from hating him. And more importantly keep me from hating my job, thus improving the quality of life. haha


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Other Side

Alright so there are two sides to every story. Two sides to every coin, or however that saying goes. I don't really get the opportunity to vent, that often. If I have drama I handle it, the whole world doesn't need to know.

I guess, everytime I have drama with the old (young) lady, she tells all her friends about it. So then I hear her guy friends telling her, "Just break up with him" or "He's not worth it", and then saying, "Come over." Or some crazy shit like that. Her girls tell her the same thing. But those bitches need to look in the mirror, everytime they get drunk they get emotional. They're single, and like they say, misery loves company.

I don't feel threatened by her guy friends, or those girls either. I just feel a little disrespected that they would put my name in their mouth. None of them know me, they don't know what I've been through, they don't know what I put up with, or do every single day. They just hear the bad and think they can disrespect me by putting my name in their mouth. Fuck yall.

I work my ass off. Every single day I let my girl know that she's loved, I spoil her. I love her.. There's good and bad, but mostly good in our relationship. When people start rumors, or just speak on me in a negative light. I ask you, what the fuck have you done in your life?

Like Atoine Ego said in Rattatouille,

"We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is the average piece of junk, is probably more meaningfull then the criticism designating it so."

or in the words of Kanyeezy

"Tell the critics they can kiss my whole ass, oh I'm an asshole? Ya'll ni***s got joooooookes"..

or in the words of Jay-Z, "Fuck the other side, they jealous."

I know that in this world there are a lot of snakes in the grass. But sometimes it feels like everybody around me is a hair from Medusa. The creeps are going to creep. But step your game up at least, make up some more believable rumors. Some of you so called friends, need to get a life, or something. Work on yourself, before you feel the need to F my ish up.

I don't want to speak on my girl negatively. She deserves more then to be put in peoples mouths. I want everybody to see her as amazing as I do. Sorry I got kind of distracted and caught up on her friends, and didn't really tell much of my side of the story. I guess I'm just trying to say I love her, and if you're against that in any way.. Fuck You

Dru-P Signing Out