Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Electrical Engineering

I recently explained to somebody why I don't have an Electrical Engineering degree.
It was a degree I was quietly pursuing for a while.

I slowly took the math and physics classes required for an Electrical Engineering degree, while taking Computer Science and circuits classes. However when I got into the real Electrical Engineering classes, it's like the class split into two groups. Who helped each other and did homework together.

Other then those two groups there were 2 genius's who worked by themselves... and me..

It was like they seperated me and alienated me. I was having a little trouble in the class, and didn't know where to get help. I was also taking some very hard Computer Science classes at the time. The Electrical Engineering class just had us drawing circuits over and over again, solving for various currents and resistances.

I asked somebody if this ever got fun for them, and they responded. "When I can't solve a circuit, and I finally get the answer, I get such a good feeling" I was like "F that I get that with programming." So I gracefully bowed out to pursue Computer Science. In my defense at the time I was also highly addicted to an online computer game called "Zombie Panic: Source".

Just thought I'd clear things up. Much respect to my electrical engineers, but they did do me a little dirty. The same people that I coached through math. If I ever consider engineering again it will probably be Computer Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.

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