Friday, April 16, 2010

Top 5 Scariest things I've woken up to. (3 of the 5)

OK so I said I'd do my top 5 scariest things that I've woken up to so far. Here's 3 of the top 5, Los Ojos de Linda is in the top 5 and later I will describe my crash that will round out the top 5. I'm not asking you to believe anything that I write, this is my own account of things I've seen, or experienced. My reality is different then your reality. I may see or feel things that others don't, everybody is unique in their interpretations of things. I think that the Voices is more of an honorable mention.

Held Against the Wall

When I was a senior in high school there were really bad earthquakes going on in Alaska. I felt like I was always fearless, so as the biggest earthquake hit, I think it was around an 8.0, I ran out of my dorm, and ran towards a lobby where I knew people were. Next thing I know the walls were like Jello, I don't know if the wall moved or something from the earthquake threw off my inner ear, but it felt like the wall just came out and hit me in the head. It was crazy. The backstory behind this is that C-Lay and I got stranded in Grand Coulee on our way to Lake Chelan, a very popular Memorial Day weekend party place. We spent most of the day in hickville stranded at a gas station. I had a dream where I was back in that gas station.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

One night recently when I was about to go to sleep I felt like I wasn't alone on my bed. I was tired so I prayed and then fell asleep. But in my dream I had drank one beer and somehow got wasted. Then it felt like I was floating towards the wall, kind of like doing the moonwalk. The wall came out and hit me, sort of how it did in that earthquake. Next thing I knew I was off the ground being held against the wall. Like something was pulling me up the wall outside of my control, and people in the gas station were staring at me scared.

When I awoke, I swear I landed on my bed. It was like I was floating in my sleep being held against the wall as well. It felt like there was something very evil Behind me, in the wall. I layed in that bed and prayed for about 30 seconds and then ran out of the room.

The craziest thing about that story is that I never slept in that room again, and when I told people back home that I was scared, they all freaked out.


Back in the day my big brother and I had basketball practice at 6 am, We slept with it pitch black in our room and we used to sleep on bunk beds. One morning I woke up before the alarm went off and I swear something whispered in my ear, "go back to sleep."

When I heard that I ran and turned the lights on, the next week I moved into the other room. And went to sleep listening to music from then on.

Grabbed By fallen Love

This was a very scary time for me. I used to mess with a girl who was very beautiful, but she had a sort of boyfriend/secret boyfriend/jumpoff who was murdered a few months before we started talking. She often said I reminded her of him. Sometimes at her house if it was dark I'd see things in the mirror or it would seem like I could see something out of the corner of my eye, but when I focused it would be gone.

One night it seemed like I was just about to go to sleep, and something grabbed me. It grabbed me from around my waist, and pulled my waist out of my body, I was still attached at the shoulders to my body, and whatever grabbed me was slipping. It slipped down further and was soon pulling at my ankles, so my waist and ankles were in the wall but my head and shoulders were still attached to me. When whatever grabbed me had finished losing its grip and slipping, I shot back into my body. I gasped for breath.

As that experience had scared me, I tried to hold onto my girl at the time. When I got close to her she hit me, and spoke in English and Spanish. She was basically saying, "Oh you're alive now!?! what the fuck you're alive??" She hit me a couple of times. When I told her the story she knew what had happened. That was part of the reason we stopped talking, and I may have actually pushed that spirit away that night. I'm sorry for doing that, but at the same time. Leave me alone, don't try to drag me out of my body.


Ok this one I have a harder time explaining. One night I woke from my sleep, with the lights on. (I don't really sleep with the lights off, since Los Ojos de Linda, not in that house at least.)

It felt like there was something laying in my bed with me or something, I wasn't moving I was just looking around my room. I don't know if I felt something, or seen something, the next moment I was outside of my bed. I think that it felt like my my blankets were getting lifted although I'm not sure.

All I know is that I had found myself in the middle of my room staring at my bed, I think I seen a slight shadow but not really anything there. But it felt like something really evil was moving from my bed towards me. I yelled "Get the Fuck away from Me." Twice. I was so freaked out, and when I yelled that whatever I felt stopped approaching me and slowly left. I moved my bed, and a girl called my phone up.

She had never been to my house in Washington or really knew much about it, but she said she had a dream where she was running to go see me because something didn't feel right. She went to my house, ran down the stairs and seen a shadowy figure hovering over my bed. She grabbed me in her dream and pulled me away from it. She pretty much accurately described my house in the phone call. Talking to her probably made me more scared then whatever had just happened did haha.. That sucked..

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